Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Still catching up :)

I'm still catching up on things, especially this here blog, lol. I left off last time on Easter Sunday. Not a lot goes on during the week, with me and my daughter both working like crazy. But my Sarah is a wonderful daughter! She sends me pictures almost everyday of Logan. So here's a few of them...
LMAO...ok, this one maybe only a Grandma can love! The look on that baby's face cracks me up every time I see this pic. I mean, you just have to wonder what he was thinking at the time, lol. Anyway, I know, I could post so many pics of the little sweetie, but that would just get kinda boring for all of you.
                                                He he...I couldn't resist just one more!
So that should bring us up to Sunday, May 8th--Mother's day! Sarah got roses from Logan for her first Mother's Day. Rick and I were invited to Sarah & Jon's house for a cookout that afternoon.

Sarah & Logan

The weather was beautiful so we hung out outside. Logan fell asleep in my arms for a while, which was perfectly fine with Grandma J! The little sleepy head did wake up after we were all done eating and gave us a look as if to say "What did I miss?"  So Mommy decided to give him a little taste of a brat!
He licked at it and seemed to like it, lol.
Then it was Grandpa's turn to love him up. It should be said that Logan REALLY likes his Grandpa!

Then Grandma got the idea to let Logan try some watermelon! He sucked on it and really seemed to like that....even more than the brat!

                                              All in all it was a super great Mother's day.

                       During the week Sarah decided to give Logan some cereal for the first time.

Getting ready for the big event...he don't look to sure of this!

"What the heck is this stuff?"

"I trust you Mommy!"

"Really Mom, how about that brat or watermelon now"

"I can't believe I ate the whole thing!"

"Thank goodness it's over! Now I can play!"
Sarah said he did really well for his first time.

So that's the events of the past week. We should be all caught up now. Logan turns 3 months old tomorrow! Time seems to be flying by. I can't comprehend that in just 9 more months, he'll be a year old already! This is the pic Sarah sent me this morning...

Isn't he just the cutest little man you ever saw?
Thanks for checking in with Grandma J & Logan.
Bye Bye for now :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Grandma J is just a little bit behind :(

Well the past few weeks I have been very busy and because of that, this blog has gotten a little behind, so I apologize for that. I'll try to bring you up to speed over the next few days....

First we missed Logan turning 2 months old!! I know, to some that may seem trivial, but to Grandma, it's huge, lol. He's growing more each day. Here's some pics of the little man at 2 months old.

Such a sweet baby!
Here, Logan's talking to his Mommy...ok, maybe yelling at her, lol

Thumbs up for Rock music!

Logan also had his 2 month checkup, which entailed the first of the horrid baby shots


Poor baby got one in each leg :(

The next big change was bath time!
Mommy took the "sling" seat out so Logan got to actually lay in the water!!

He LOVED the change!

Just relaxing!

All clean and drying off...and a little game of peek-a-boo

Ok, so I think that brings us up to Easter Sunday and my birthday. My birthday & Easter both fell on Sunday, April 24th. Here's a few pics showing what Logan got from the Easter bunny.

Then it was off to Grandma J's house to eat easter dinner and celebrate grandma's birthday. Now I was told that Logan picked out my birthday gifts all by himself! Mommy & Daddy held up several times for Logan's approval. If he liked something he would smile and So this is what I got....

A very cool vase that says "If Grandma's were Flowers, I'd pick You"...and it's purple, my favorite color!

I also got a new Large coffee mug that says "Best Grandma"

                                 I love my first gifts from my little sweetie                           
                             I think he did a wonderful job in picking out the perfect birthday gifts!
                                   Logan also had quite the Easter outfit! He looked adorable.

His very cute little bunny feet

And his little cotton tail butt!

                  Here's a few pictures of Logan and the Easter basket he got from Grandma & Grandpa
                               I made the Easter card for Logan and put some extra love into it!
                                                              And this just says it all!!!
It doesn't get any better than that!

Stop back tomorrow and hopefully I'll catch up the rest!